Teaching is a long game, and I know you’re feeling it. Luckily, I have just the thing to make your life a little bit *easier*. Visual Scripts. These scripts are the secret sauce you’ve been missing. Visual scripts help your students become more independent, so you can spend more time on what matters – teaching.
Let me guess…
You have a great bunch of students this year, and then – BAM – the middle of the year hits and they start squabbling like siblings (and, quite frankly, you’re tired of it!).
So how can you help students communicate and solve their own problems without running to you at the first sign of conflict?
One of my favorite ways is through visual scripts.
The good news is that I have the perfect visual script to get you started – the I-Message. The I-Message is a social emotional tool that gives students the words to express their emotions and solve their own problems when they can’t find the words on their own.
If you’re ready to get started, grab the free I-Message right now!
Here are 3 reasons why you need to start using visual scripts in your classroom today.
Reason #1: Students will gain independence
I’ve been there.
You have that one student (or handful of them) that get on their friend’s nerves. Frequently. They call out, cut in line, take things that don’t belong to them…the list goes on. And on. And honestly, you’re tired of playing referee.
You know why students are constantly coming to you for help with this particular friend. You truly want to help both students but you don’t know how – you’ve tried it all. Or so you thought.
This might surprise you, so buckle up.
You don’t need to solve your students’ problems for them! Instead, give them the tools to solve their own problems. EMPOWER your students to express their feelings and stand up for their needs.
Your students are fully capable of becoming confident, independent problem solvers – they just need the tool to do so.

Enter the visual script.
Visual scripts give students the words to express themselves, in a simple, direct, and consistent way.
With the I-Message, students will learn this script:
I feel…
I need…
It’s really that easy, and soon your students will be repeating this script solo when a peer gets on their last nerve. Your help won’t be necessary (Almost sounds too good to be true, right?).

Reason #2: You’ll spend more time on what matters
We could debate what matters more in the elementary classroom: academics or social emotional skills (I would argue the latter).
Either way – teaching takes time! Whether you are leading a phonics lesson or coaching students on time management, teaching is an investment. Often, we don’t see the fruits of our labor until much later. Weeks, or even months down the road – suddenly a concept clicks.
Those are the moments we live for as educators, amirite?
If you invest time in teaching your students how to solve small social problems all by themselves, you will gain SO MUCH MORE time back in the long run.
Seriously, just imagine how much time you would get back if you didn’t have to constantly be mediating student squabbles. Make it easy for yourself and your students by using visual scripts.
The I-Message has three differentiated versions so they are accessible to ALL students, readers and non-readers alike.
- Picture choice – Students will point to or circle the pictures to finish the visual script
- Draw a picture – Students will draw a picture to finish the script
- Write a note – Students will write a note to finish the script

And of course, once students learn how to use the script, they will be able to verbally repeat it without the visuals. Students will independently solve their own problems, and you will gain back precious teaching time.
Reason #3: Student relationships will improve
Why can’t everyone just get along?
This is a thought that runs through my head frequently. Especially in my inclusive kindergarten classroom. Especially in the spring (or fall, or winter, or summer…seriously all year).
But we all know that our students don’t always come to us knowing how to respectfully communicate their feelings. Or how to solve a problem with a friend. Or for that matter, how to tie their shoes (wet shoelaces, yuck).
Instead of dreading all the arguments you’ll undoubtedly hear – before lunch – it’s time that you take charge and teach your students the skills they need to communicate.
Just like we teach math, we need to teach social skills. The benefits will last our students well past the time they leave our classroom. Social skills last a lifetime.
When you use a visual script to teach your students how to communicate and solve problems with their friends, the squabbling will slow, and eventually stop.
Your students will spend less time fighting, and more time building meaningful, lasting friendships.
All because you gave them the skills to communicate respectfully and solve small problems independently.

Visual Script Recap
Here’s three reasons to get started with visual scripts today:
- Student independence will soar
- You will gain back precious teaching time
- Students will build meaningful friendships
You could always make your own visual script, but honestly, if we’re trying to save you time, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel! Take the first step and download the I-Message today! It even comes with teacher directions so there’s no guesswork involved. It’s a no-brainer.
PS. If teaching students to become problem solvers sounds like something that would make your life exponentially better (and it definitely would), check out the Problem Solving Toolkit with a month’s worth of done-for-you lessons and activities.
Download the I-Message Now
Now that you understand the kind of impact visual scripts can have in your classroom, download the free I-Message today! Join my email list today to get access to this incredible tool.